Note on book Deep Learning Chapter 2 - Linear Algebra
Note: This is my notes while reading Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow
2.1 Scalars, Vectors, Matrices and Tensors
Scalars: A scalar is just a single number. s ∈ R could be the slope of the line.
Vectors: A vector is an array of numbers arranged in order. We write a vector x as:
x = x1x2x3...xn
Matrices: A matrix is a 2-D array of numbers, so each element is identified by two indices instead of just one.
Tensors: A tensor is an array of numbers arranged on a regular grid with a variable number of axes. We identify the element of A at coordinates (i,j,k) by writing Ai,j,k.
Transpose of a matrix A is the mirror image across it's diagonal.